Error "PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare has_shortcode()" Imprimir

  • 64

Si observamos este error en nuestros logs después de actualizar WP


Debemos de desactivar la función shortcode en




Podemos comentarla así

"has_shortcode()" and comment this function. This should be like this:

function has_shortcode() {
-----------queda asi----------


// check the current post for the existence of a short code
function has_shortcode($shortcode = '') {

    $post_to_check = get_post(get_the_ID());

    // false because we have to search through the post content first
    $found = false;

    // if no short code was provided, return false
    if (!$shortcode) {
        return $found;
    // check the post content for the short code
    if ( stripos($post_to_check->post_content, '[' . $shortcode) !== false ) {
        // we have found the short code
        $found = true;

    // return our final results
    return $found;


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